Content Marketing. Including Blogging & Site Promotions
PURPOSE: Writing the blog pages for Dear North was a joy. There are so many great stories to tell. The content leads into social campaigns that drive to the site, the recipe page in particular.
OUTCOME: The blog was the centerpiece of social campaigns that attracted extradordinary engagement in social outreach. Naturally, this effort boosted sales on the site.
Alaska's idea of munchies.
Most people picture a land of ice, snow and fierce cold. All true and incredibly effective in preserving the richness and purity of the salmon catch. But the moment May hits, the intensity of the sun gets to work, producing exquisite nutritional powerhouses: the multitude of berries that are harvested, jarred, and infused in native flavorings.
Recipes are the key to social engagement.
This post serves up an enticing invitation to visit the Recipes page.
Here's a taste of the copy:
Hooked on the World's Best Salmon? These Recipes Will Feed Your Habit.
Life's greatest ingredient. Our wild-caught salmon is the best there is. Courtesy of our crystal-clean environment and the stewardship of our fisheries. It is the perfect protein; it keeps us healthy and energized for the active lives we lead. And because you can't have too much of it, we have compiled a treasure trove of recipes we call "In the Kitchen." Here we share our chef-created favorites.
Anyone hungry? We've got a recipe for that. We're giving you so many ways to go. You can make a quick and easy appetizer, a hearty winter dish, a lavish midnight snack, or a colorful fall salad. Many of the recipes call for our Alaska Salmon Bites. They come in four flavors that lend their culinary magic to everythng from salads to maki rolls. Our two flavors of Smoked Salmon are the star ingredients in Deviled Eggs, Smoked Salmon Medallions and Stuffed Halibut.
Let's just give a few recipes a run-through. That's the best way to show you around our kind of kitchen.
A wildly inspired holiday promo.